But where is Newbury? Well, some canny folk at LostARGs and DarkUFO have said it's Newbury Street in Boston. What's also rather cool is that there's a travel poster exhibition happening on that very street... could our new frame grace that place? Or will it be in "Johnny's cupcakes", which is apparently what the photo is of - people queuing for that shop when it first opened.
Hopefully we'll get a new clue soon to help us pinpoint an exact location.
Update - Well the prayers have been answered - the site has updated with Johnny Cupcakes 279 Newbury Street at 10am EST on Weds 26th - 'tell them Horace sent you'. There's also a weird pic too of part of a DHARMA logo... I have a feeling visitors might just be given a special DHARMA-esque cupcake... I so wanna be in Boston now!