However, it was in this moment that I thought, "why return it" - I mean, hassle! Wouldn't it be cooler to work with it and give it to someone who maybe wants it that bit more... wouldn't it be cool to finally clear out my Aladdin's cave of geek memorabilia... fans of Lost, I give you, LOSTPEDIA PRIZES!!!!
What do I have to offer Lost fans apart from Via Domus, I wonder, as I wander my room, looking at my bad ass signed Serenity poster (seriously, its BAD ASS - and you ain't getting that!) Indeed peeps, I am a bit of a closet geek (well, not so closet with a signed Serenity poster on display, but ya know....).
Ergo, I have A LOT of crap. But what about Lost - well there's an Apollo bar there which I seriously wonder the health and safety stature of being two years out of date, a first edition UK version copy of Bad Twin, as well as an array of Lost Magazines which I admit I've never actually read... Season 1 on DVD... lots of stuff! And hey, maybe I could utilize Lost contacts I've made over the last few years and even get them to donate some goodies? (I could always ask, I guess!)

In all seriousness, I think its high time we gave something back to the loyal people who make things like a Lost ARG possible - you.