Flight type: One Way
From: Los Angeles
To: Guam
Departing: 1/21/2009
Select Flight: 316 11:30am
Adults: 10
Children: 0
Promotional Code: 112114111109111
When you get to the page you get a floorplan (direct link here). When you click the seats, most of the time it says they are booked. However, other times small images will flash at the side of the page. The site seems to follow a select order, so:
Third seat selected - a shot of LAX airport.
4th - code N824 (seems to be the main clue currently).
10th - a departure timetable.
15th - a shot of an airport lounge (Ajira logo in the background on the wall).
24th - an image of a young woman (Ilana - see DSA information).
34th - an image of a man (Caesar - see DSA information).
35th - the "lamp post" DHARMA logo seen during a DSA video.
36th - your seat number will be accepted and you can download a new boarding pass (very similar to the sample one, just with info on it, download here).
So the main thing seems to be N824 - which could be some kind of code, or something we'll see in Season 5.
SEE ALL THE IMAGES HERE (beware, you could class the people ones as spoilers)
Update - The image of a flight timetable includes a line about Honolulu, and seems to say that flight 316 takes a lay over there. Fits in with the "pineapples in Hawaii" item from the site source code. So do we now have a good picture? Flight 316 takes off from LAX, takes a swift lay-over in Hawaii, and then heads on for Guam?