Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ajira Abridged

Just a little update to say that the Lostpedia wiki article on Ajira Airways contains every single minute detail about the site, and so is the one-stop shop for all the explanations about quotes, Guam, and what not. I just did a little shake-up of the layout too, so the sections should hopefully now be easier to follow.

Check out the article here!

I personally think the Lostpedia page currently has the best source of info for Ajira on the entire Interweb. Dunno about you, but I find that the blog posts (including my own) are amazing but miss bits of trivia out or are structured "as the codes are broken" - which is a little tricky to follow if you're only just joining us or want to connect the dots rather than just see them. I'd be interested to hear how you guys assimilate your info... do you like fast and exciting real-time updates, or do you prefer reading full descriptive summaries?
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