As ever, you can discuss the book on the Forums HERE and also propose future reads HERE (please do this actually, as there's been slim pickings despite a good number of you actually taking part and reading).
Finally, I can announce May's book. As there was little in the way of choices, I decided to chip in with a book fitting for this Season. "A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking will be May's read! Don't let the name throw you - this book is designed to explain astrophysics to the layman, with hardly any technical jargon and lots of pictures apparently. So we should all be able to learn something without getting too bored, and I predict it may even help us understand some of the mysteries of LOST time travel (at any rate, I can't hurt). Thank us in Season 6 when the characters sit down and all is revealed - knowing this book just might make it make a little more sense. Get a copy of "A Brief History of Time" now from Amazon US or public library (international peeps: local library or online websites).