Friday, January 29, 2010

Season 6 and Entire Series DVD and Blu-Ray

News is emerging about the release of two exciting new additions to a Lost fan's DVD or Blu-Ray collection. and other sources have revealed some details about the Season 6 DVD, as well as announcing Lost: The Complete Collection, both apparently slated for release on August 24, 2010.

The Season 6 set is going to be 5-disc collection at USD$60 for DVD and USD$80 for Blu-Ray.

The motherload, however, is 36 (Blu-Ray) or 37 (DVD) discs at USD$230 and USD$280 for DVD and Blu-Ray respectively. Not only will it include all 120 or so episodes, but also EVERY previous extra, PLUS an additional two hours of exclusive bonus content.

However, none of this news is official so far, so it all could be subject to change, or not even eventuate.

Follow our articles on the Season 6 set and the Complete Collection set on the Lostpedia wiki for updates as they come.
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