We're getting closer.
With the premiere of season 6 looming ever closer, Lostpedia is being referred to as the possessor of all of LOST's mythical answers.
Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a little. But Lostpedia is indeed beginning to be recognized as one of the major sources and experts on the show. The Brazilian magazine Superinteressante has already interviewed me and a few other Lostpedia administrators on our views for the final season. And now, we'll be chatting with the Washington Post about the sixth and final season.
Paul Kerton (plkrtn) and I will be part of "The LOST Hour" hosted by the Washington post on Wednesday afternoon, at 2 P.M. eastern time. Check out the Washington Post's entry on the discussion, for which you can submit your theories and questions. Hope to see you then!
UPDATE: Kevin Croy, founder of Lostpedia will also be taking part in the chat.