Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New Season - New Look

We've given the Lostpedia Blog a new face lift.
The original template design, which was put together a few years ago to launch the blog, was only ever meant to have been temporary whilst we came up with something cleaner and prettier to use.

Well, with a conversion of the gorgeous Metamorphosis Themes by WooThemes to Blogger, we finally have something that I think you can agree, is pretty attractive looking!

Nothing from the old blog has changed, and all the original content is in place. It just looks much nicer than it did before. There will be tweaks and changes, but we hope you like this more aesthetically pleasing design.

Also, unfortunately due to the behaviour of some individuals, we've had to enable accounts on the blog again. If you have an OpenID or Google Account, you should be able to comment without any issues. We apologize but unfortunately a few moronic people will always want to spoil the fun of the majority. Most people will already have an OpenID account, as major sites support it, so hopefully the fun won't be ruined by a mindless, immature section of the web.
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