Indeed, fellow SysOp and blogger Blue Eagle Islander posted recently that you can actually access both titles online ABSOLUTELY FREE AND ABSOLUTELY LEGAL, thanks to Carroll's work being in the public domain. Check out the details on that here. However, if you're like me and prefer the smell of a new/old book (both nice odours), then you can buy the book here (Amazon US) for a pretty good price, or go to your local library (US library listings here).
The main discussion thread for this month's read is on the Forum here, so go on over and chat about Alice's adventures, and how they might clue into the world of Lost!
Finally, it is with great pleasure that I can announce December's read - The Third Policeman!!! A lot of people wanted this one when we first started the book club, and I think it's a great way to see out the year, with the title possibly acting as the pinultimate read for the LLL, considering after January Lost will be back on our screens. We'll have to discuss it in the forums I think...