You all know Lostpedia has had lots of great interviews with cast/crew of the show, and it is with great honor that we can reveal that we've managed to obtain upcoming Q&As with two key cast members.. First up is Yunjin Kim, who of course plays the lovely Sun, one of the most loved castaways on the show. And second, we have Nestor Carbonell - who plays Richard Alpert, a character introduced in Season 3 who quickly garnered a huge fan following with his mysterious backstory. It's definitely an exciting time, and after a string of former interviews with the likes of Jorge Garcia, Rebecca Mader, François Chau, and the soon-to-be-published chat with Michael Emerson, to name but a few - rest assured the interviews will be thrilling reads when they are released.
We are now taking questions for these fine acting folk, and hope to publish a full transcript in the near future. If you would like to submit a question, either head on over to the Forums or see the wiki submission pages HERE for Yunjin or HERE for Nestor! Hope this has lifted Lost, or shall we say disillusioned, moods (you know what I mean ;).