Thursday, February 14, 2008

Lostpedia launches in three new languages

Lostpedia is pleased to announce the launch of three translations of our popular wiki. Chinese, Japanese, and Russian are now online. We have a lot of work to do, so any translation assistance is greatly appreciated!

UPDATE: We've had some questions about how to contribute, so I'll paste the following from the comments thread:
Basically you need to register with a new user account on your language Lostpedia, for example or or

Then using your normal wiki editing process, create new articles or edit existing ones. If you wish to translate the English language ones directly, you may look at the parallel article in

Note also that any images must be re-uploaded to the new language Lostpedia. If you wish to use the one in the English Lostpedia, download the image to your computer from the English version, then re-upload it to the other language version.
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