Jack, Kate, and Charlie, having at least somewhat recovered from the terrifying incident at the cockpit, trek home through the jungle. Kate asks Charlie what he was doing in the bathroom, and he makes up a quick lie, telling her that he was getting sick. Of course, we all know that instead he was getting his heroin which he left in the bathroom. Charlie mentions he's a coward, an opinion Kate is quick to refute. Cowardice is a theme that will run through Lost with Charlie, and later, Desmond.

Meanwhile, Michael approaches Sun and Jin looking for Walt. Of course, this won't be the last time he loses Walt, and each search attempt that he'll make will just get more and more annoying. Sun pretends not to speak English, even though she really knows how from her lessons with Jae Lee (which turned into quite a bit more than just lessons). Michael goes off again, looking for Walt, who's looking for Vincent. He finds Kate's handcuffs on the ground near some fuselage. Michael sees the handcuffs, and gets a little worried.

Sayid volunteers to help with the transciever, the first glimpse we get of Sayid's technical prowess, which will eventually be most useful when taking the core out of Jughead in "The Incident." Sawyer also calls Hurley "lardo." He'll later become good friends with Hurley, but for now he's sticking to weight-related nicknames. Hurley instead buddies up with Sayid, and they trade names. Sayid later reveals that he was in the Republican Guard, shocking Hurley.

Jack, meanwhile, works on the marshal, who will be dead very soon. Jack's relying on chance, but he is going to try to fix the marshal. Kate tells Jack that she's going on a hike, despite Jack's warning about the marshal.
Jin's abusiveness to Sun is shown when he slaps her hand after a reach to get food, and you can see her loathing of him in her eyes. Instead, he gives that food to the other survivors, and she defiantly opens the top buttons of her shirt. Hurley laughingly turns down Jin, angering him slightly. Walt, meanwhile, read's Hurley's comic book in Spanish. The comic will later be proxied with Brian K. Vaughn's Y: The Last Man (or El Ultimo Hombre) when Hurley boards Flight 316.
While Charlie uses some powerful drugs, Jack enlists Hurley to once again use his inventory skills to find antibiotic drugs for the marshal. After Shannon decides that she's going on the hike with Kate and Sayid to prove her worthiness to Boone, there's a humorous scene when a stoned Charlie shows up.
SHANNON: You're going, aren't you?
CHARLIE: Yeah, are you?
CHARLIE: Yeah, I'm definitely going.
Jack, meanwhile, talks to Michael, and discovers that Michael doesn't know much about Walt, and reveals that Vincent is actually still alive, elating Michael at the chance to be a hero in his son's eyes. If Jack hadn't offered him this as a chance to be noble, who knows what Michael would have done. He might have gone so far as to put himself as a deckhand on a freighter just to blow it up, or something drastic like that.

Claire writes in her diary (the same diary that Charlie will read after she's kidnapped), when Jin offers her some fish. She takes a bite, and though she doesn't necessarily like it, she feels Aaron kick, something she is elated about, and makes an uncomfortable Jin touch her belly.

Jack needs Hurley's help to hold down the marshal while he operates, but Hurley has Mr. Friendly synbrome and can't stand the sight of blood. Hurley faints. Meanwhile, after confirming that the bear was a polar bear, the survivors confront Sawyer about where he got the gun. He says he got it from a U.S. marshal, and they accuse him of being the prisoner, though in reality it was actually Kate. Kate takes the gun and pretends to not know how to use it (a con she used once before in "Whatever the Case May Be".) There's a little heat between Sawyer and Kate, but nothing too much -- Kate obviously dislikes Sawyer.

The marshal meanwhile wakes up in the middle of surgery, asking Jack where Kate is. She's with the group with Sayid, when he discovers that the transciever has a bar. They pick up a transmission, which Sayid speculates could be from a satphone. Sorry Sayid, but you won't be seeing one of those until Naomi crashes on the Island. They hear a French transmission (from Rousseau), which Shannon translates to say "Please help me. Please, come get me. I'm alone now. On the island alone. Please, someone come. The others, they're dead. It killed them. It killed them all." Rousseau is of course referring to the sickness, which happened to her team after Montand was dragged beneath the Temple walls by the monster, and her team followed. What was the sickness? Was it a possession, like what Jacob's enemy did to Locke? We know that Robert, Lacombe, and Brennan weren't the same after they went into the hole...were the possessed by the monster? Either way, Danielle was right. It killed them all. Or rather, she killed them all.

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